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Here is the list of movies about nature online. Subscribe now to watch these movies online with 20% off. And stay notified about Asia-related insights & latest offers!

Global biodiversity is a tapestry, and humans are an integral part of it. Throughout history, wild and cultivated plants and animals have been the basis of all human civilization, keeping us fed and breathing.

However, humans seem to have forgotten how much we need nature for survival and happiness. As population and demand continue to grow, we are depleting natural resources, including wildlife and their habitats, by draining them for food. The over-exploitation of ecosystems endangers humans and the survival of countless species of wildlife.

In fact, human and all things are the same, equal, and from the same mother nature. If you’ve ever felt the richness and beauty of nature, you’ll feel relaxed and clear, as if you were one with nature and listening to each other.

For creators, the natural environment provides boundless inspiration. They become famous, they create, and all of these are based on encounters with nature again and again. Therefore, we select relevant movies about nature here for you to watch online and re-examine the relationship between human and nature.

Note: There may be other kinds of nature-related content such as TV series or web series in this tag.

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